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Album Of The Week: 10 3rd Mar AOTW Week

Oranssi Pazuzu is a Finnish psychedelic black metal band which was formed in 2007. The band originally consisted of vocalist and guitarist Juho "Jun-His" Vanhanen, drummer Jarkko "Korjak" Salo, guitarist Moit, keyboardist and percussionist Ville "Evil" Leppilahti and bassist Toni "Ontto" Hietamäki. Moit left the band in 2016 and was replaced by Kairon's Niko "Ikon" Lehdonti. The band’s name is made up of the words "oranssi", the Finnish word for orange, and Pazuzu, the wind demon from Babylonian mythology. They recorded their debut album, Muukalainen puhuu in 2008, which was…
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Soundtrack for the day

November 24
Album of the day DAY
Set Fire to Flames, Do Make Say Think, Hangedup, Labradford, Cul de sac, Natural Snow Buildings, Thuja, Manyfingers, Third Eye Foundation, GY!BE

Cover engraving by fpil
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Soon Over Babaluma

Soon Over Babaluma
no internal structural frameworks. runs on helium.
an observation platform.

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Soon over babaluma