Amara Touré – Lamento ...

Album Info
Θα χρειαστούν περίπου 10 δευτερόλεπτα για να κολλήσεις! Καινούργιο από Analog Africa! Ο ίδιος o Samy, τα λέει πολύ καλύτερα:
“Lamento Cubana and Temedy are the two finest Afro-Cuban compositions ever recorded. As if they were played in a smokey, poorly lit ballroom where dark rum was sipped ever so slowly”
Vikram Sohonie – Ostinato Records”
The enigmatic Amara Touré from Guinée Conakry finally getting a well deserved compilation showcasing all of the 10 songs ever released between 1973 and 1980. Cuban influenced music of a different kind featuring amazing spaced-out guitar works!! Stay tuned for some of the most beautiful music ever recorded !! Release Date: Last week of May 15, 20″
Soon Over Babaluma
no internal structural frameworks. runs on helium.
an observation platform.
an observation platform.