The Comet Is Coming ...

Album Info
Right from the first shimmering chords and astral sax of opener ‘Because the End Is Really the Beginning’, you know London trio The Comet Is Coming are about to expand your mind with Trust in the Lifeforce of the Deep Mystery. Aptly released on legendary jazz label Impulse! Records, former home of Alice Coltrane and her husband John, the combined influence of the genre’s psychedelic period melds here with synth-driven, dystopian sci-fi and Flying Lotus-esque, swaggering ’n’ squelchy electronica. Shabaka Hutchings – surely the busiest reeds man on the scene – is this generation’s Miles Davis for all his fearless genre-bending. This album just proves the point. [Bleep]
Soon Over Babaluma
no internal structural frameworks. runs on helium.
an observation platform.
an observation platform.