Sun Araw – Gazebo ...

Album Info
“The perception sweeps through a garden inhabited by anomalous plants and flowers rooted in an undefined void in which the vegetation’s awareness is being reflected. Transference of sentiments through vibrations and unrestrained pulses, drifting and eventually penetrating the inner core of absolute sensations. Erupting in the void while imploding in the garden, converging the disruptive bodies that once was so divided and alienated. Regular and inverted paths colliding with random results in an endless stream of self optimization.”
GAZEBO EFFECT by AUJIK w/ S. Araw "Trio" XI (2015) from sunaraw on Vimeo.
"The perception sweeps through a garden inhabited by anomalous plants and flowers rooted in an undefined void in which the vegetation's awareness is being reflected.
Transference of sentiments through vibrations and unrestrained pulses, drifting and eventually penetrating the inner core of absolute sensations.
Erupting in the void while imploding in the garden, converging the disruptive bodies that once was so divided and alienated.
Regular and inverted paths colliding with random results in an endless stream of self optimization."
– KIIA – SCE (Synthetic Conscious Entity) of AUJIK
Soon Over Babaluma
an observation platform.